Chinese Acupuncture

acupuncture, chinese medicine, DTCM, herbs, cupping, tuina, traditional chinese medicine, aches, pains, chronic, health, doctor, dr of chinese medicine, energy, electroacupuncture, wellness, alternative medicine,

Acupuncture is an Ancient Chinese technique dating back over 3,000 years old. Through targeted stimulation via acupunture needles of specific points or meridians one can unblock stagnation, improve qi,  & balance the internal ecosystem.  Acupuncture is known to benefit many ailments from arthritis, back pain, neck pain, sciatica, headaches, stroke & more. 

Orthopedic  Massage

orthopedic massage, massage, reflexology, tuina, relaxation massage, wellness,  complimentary health, pre & post op, aches, pains, chronic pain, headaches, neck pain, sciatica

Through targeted muscle manipulation techniques, cyriax frictions & deep pressure fascial release our  RMT's are well trained in muscle release. Each treatment is custom tailored with 2 goals always in mind; increasing your range of motion & decreasing your pain.  Additional techniques used as needed including  TuiNa (chinese massage), Swedish, ShiaT'su & more.     

Athletic Therapy

athletic therapy, muscle conditioning, TENS, ultrasound, lactic acid, pre and post op, chronic pain, headaches, joint pain, aches, pains, therapy, alternative health, complimentary health, wellness

With precise combination of physical manipulation & tools such as Ultrasound, TENS & GuaSha our Athletic Therapist can help to stimulate healing & reduce pain in joints & muscles caused by muscle strains, injuries, chronic pain, concussions,  pre & post op & much much more. Treatments include combinations of soft tissue mobilization, exercise therapy & more. 

Holistic Nutrition

Holistic Nutrition focuses on overall understanding of the bodies interconnectedness as a whole. The goal of holistic nutrition is to support & optimize the body's innate healing abilities through a holistic whole-person approach taking into account your personal challenges, illnesses, imbalances as well as goals & desired outcomes. Each plan custom tailored to match your own personal goals.

Electro- acupuncture

acupuncture, chinese medicine, DTCM, herbs, cupping, tuina, traditional chinese medicine, aches, pains, chronic, health, doctor, dr of chinese medicine, energy, electroacupuncture, wellness, alternative medicine,

Electroacupuncture is a modern variation of Acupuncture using electricity to enhance the stimulation of the needles resulting in increased results, shorter treatment times & more accuracy with larger coverage area. 

Ask your Acupuncturist about Electroacupuncture



acupuncture, chinese medicine, DTCM, herbs, cupping, tuina, traditional chinese medicine, aches, pains, chronic, health, doctor, dr of chinese medicine, energy, electroacupuncture, wellness, alternative medicine,

Cupping is another ancient Chinese healing method that may help ease back pain, neck pain, headaches & more. The cups increase blood flow to the area stimulating healing at a cellular level. 

Ask your Massage Therapist about Cupping. 

Hot Stone Massage

orthopedic massage, massage, reflexology, tuina, relaxation massage, wellness,  complimentary health, pre & post op, aches, pains, chronic pain, headaches, neck pain, sciatica

The use of hot stone massage is believed to be an ancient technique from India, part of an Indian holistic health tradition known as "Ayurveda". It helps to relieve stress, muscle tension & boost circulation.

Ask your Massage Therapist about Hot Stones. 

Essential Oils

athletic therapy, muscle conditioning, TENS, ultrasound, lactic acid, pre and post op, chronic pain, headaches, joint pain, aches, pains, therapy, alternative health, complimentary health, wellness

From as early as 1800 BC, ancient Egyptians have been using Essential oils to boost mood,  reduce stress & increase attentiveness, improve sleep, reduce anxiety, pain, inflammation, nausea & headaches.

Ask your Massage Therapist about Essential Oils

 Holistic Reflexology

reflexology massage, reflexology, acupressure, foot massage, wellness,  complimentary health, pre & post op, aches, pains, chronic pain, headaches, neck pain, sciatica

Reflexology is a great complimentary therapy using ancient Egyptian & Chinese techniques applied to specific "reflux" points in the feet, hands or face. These points  stimulate the body's natural healing in that corresponding area.

Ask your Massage Therapist about Reflexology

Meet the Therapists

Michelle Primeau,

RMT, Reflexologist

Michelle strives to offer the utmost in care & is both knowledgeable & experienced in working with wide ranges of ailments including strains, accidents, pre & post op, arthritis, fibromyalgia, frozen shoulder & more. 

She is a very knowledgeable Massage Therapist with excellent client relations.   With over 10 years’ experience as a practicing Reflexologist & over 3 practicing Orthopedic Massage, she is experienced in a wide range of techniques and methods including Orthopedic Massage, Sports Massage, TuiNa Massage, Swedish Massage, Hot Stone Massage, Reflexology, Reiki, Cupping, and Shiatsu.

Dr. Gary Wong 

Acupuncturist, DTCM

Dr. Gary Wong graduated from Calgary College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. His extensive training in Chinese martial arts, pressure point, Tui Na massage, gua sha, TCM herbology and I Ching allows him to apply Chinese ancient healing techniques to modern lifestyle. He is a registered Acupuncturist and Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner under the College of Acupuncturists in Alberta. He is passionate about helping people to maintain their best state of health and achieve their goals.

Patricia    Van Beeten

RMT, Massage Therapist

Josee Ostrosser,

Athletic Therapist

My name is Patricia Van Beeten, and have over 20 years of experience as a massage therapist. I specialize in a wide range of treatments including dynamic cupping, injury recovery, prenatal care and pediatric massage. I am committed to providing personalized care to each client; tailoring my treatments to address specific concerns and promote healing and relaxation.  I try to create a comfortable and rejuvenating experience for all those who seek my expertise.

While in university, Josee ran one season with the Saskatchewan Huskies. This is when she started toying with the idea of a career in the rehabilitation field. Following this, Josee attended one of Canada's three Athletic Therapy programs. After four gruelling years in Victoria, Josee graduated with honors and went on to pass the national certification exam.

Josee’s biggest accomplishment: winning the Canadian Athletic Therapists Association “Merit” Award for Life Saving Measures in 2016. 

Josee has also received advanced training in concussion management working along side Dr. Matteo.